In keeping my promise to change things up on the blog this year, today's post is an homage to the poetry of breasts.
What, you're probably thinking, is boob Haiku?
If you're not familiar with this poetry genre, here's a quick refresher. My inspiration for this post came from attending a recent writing retreat in Mexico. Each morning, participants read aloud Haikus written the night before, on an assigned topic. They were both fun to compose and share. And then I remembered a few Boob Haikus that made their way into reader comments on a previous incarnation of this website. Thus, Boob Haiku was born.
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These ten little Boob Haiku are from readers and writer friends. The accompanying images of breast-centric art are from various travels. Let me know your favorite Boob Haiku. Or, if creatively inspired, add your own in the comments, below!
One boob, one tit, one
bra that doesn't fit my poor
irregular self.
The springing of 36D
Cups drop to bed, girls
separate no more - released
bliss at day's finish.
130-120 BC
Musée du Louvre, Paris
My boobs grew bigger.
Thanks to hormones and the pill.
More of me to love.
One boob in, one out
B on right, double A left
Walmart lingerie?
Dora Apple
Tired bikini
Boobs embrace autumn wearing
Cashmere sweater sets.
Elisabeth Dale
Uneven cleavage
One is round, and one is straight
Did you notice it?
Back Fat
Discovered today
Some new skin, under my arm,
Over my bra, sigh.
Elisabeth Dale
Sagging soft bosom
Far from summer's youthful days
Loved for life nourished.
Madre con nino en la cadera (Mother With Child at Her Hip) Francisco Zuniga, 1979 Murphy Sculpture Garden UCLAWide, warm lips lead life
ever returning they paw
pillows to heaven.
Bra shopping problems
Meet ultimate solution
To read The Bra Zone.
Elisabeth Dale
Do you have any thoughts about Boob Haiku? Good idea or worst possible Haiku style??
All images copyright The Breast Life