Today is a day of celebration, gift giving, and gatherings of families and friends.
It’s also a time when many of us look back over the year and count both the blessings we've received and challenges we have faced. For me, it’s been a year of new beginnings mixed with some painful good-byes.
The year began with both expected and unexpected changes. I launched a new website in January, and faced the tech glitches that go along with learning a new system. And while I gained a more functional and user-friendly site, I also lost older blog posts, comments and reviews I’d gathered over the past two years.
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In early February, my sister moved my ailing 94-year-old mother to Los Angeles. My grown daughter soon followed, and spent a couple of months living with me before settling into her own career and apartment. I instantly had more family located in California than I’d ever had while living in the Pacific Northwest.
My year was also filled with numerous business trips and opportunities. I traveled to New York several times, spoke before audiences of all ages and backgrounds, and had the chance to write or be quoted in several news magazines, including The Huffington Post. I was invited to write guest blog posts on other websites and launched new Boobs in the News podcasts. I made new friends in different industries, worked with many talented individuals, and gained interesting readers and followers. All and all, it was a good year and I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.
After a brief illness, my mother passed away in early October. She lived a long life but it was those last 8 months I treasure most. The time we spent together seemed more precious because we both knew it was short. In this loss I gained so much more that can't be measured.
I am grateful for all that has transpired and wish to thank everyone who has taken the time to share a part of their lives with me, or who supported The Breast Life in some way. I only hope I can continue to inspire your lives as much as you enrich mine.
Merry Christmas to all and breast wishes for a very happy New Year!!