Usually, I do what most self-respecting Southerners do once the temperature hits 90 in May. I stay inside in the air conditioning until November. This year, my situation is a little different. My puppy just turned six months a few days ago and wants to be outside rain or shine. Amazingly, puppies don’t care how hot it is out! They want to be outside playing. I’d never understood people’s complaints about boob sweat in the summer before this past spring when I spent lots of time outside each day.
Enter Megababe, the company that pretty much specializes in helping with summer sweat and chafing issues. Ulta stocks them, and they're all over Instagram. But I didn’t take it seriously until a friend said that two swipes of the Thigh Rescue stick got her through a 9-hour stint at French Quarter Festival in the heat---with no chafing. I picked up the Bust Dust and the natural deodorant at the same time to test them out, mostly to meet the free shipping threshold. I’d rather get products than pay for shipping!
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Since I wear a lot of dresses, the first product to test was the Thigh Rescue. My previous solution to this problem was to rotate through a set of anti-chafing shorts (from a combination of review samples and Torrid purchases). But if I wore a light-colored dress, I also had to be sure to have a pair of clean light-colored shorts on hand. It was a pain and required more planning ahead than I do for my outfits. Now that I have Thigh Rescue, I am never going back. All you have to do is swipe some on, rub it into dry and clean skin, and you’re ready. I’ve worn it in severe heat and for long periods, and I am a super fan. And I’ve barely made a dent in the product in two months. So I think the $14 stick is going to last for a long time.
Boob Sweat
I used to use the Silky Underwear scented powder by Lush in the summer. But it's expensive and never really holds up for more than 10 minutes. I was a little skeptical about the Bust Dust for that reason, especially since cornstarch is the first ingredient for both products. While I like the scent of the Lush version better, Bust Dust works! I can put it on in the morning and not need to reapply, which makes it easy and pretty cost-effective. I’ve never had an issue with sweating through my shirts, but I do get friction around the underwires of my bra from really uncomfortable boob sweat. With this stuff, my skin stays unmarked all day!
Organic Deodorant
All the reviews of Rosy Pits, Megababe’s natural deodorant, talk about the great smell. I love rose scented products, but to me, it just smells like hippie rather than rose. I honestly spent the first two weeks I tried it on the fence since it’s so different from any other deodorant I’ve used. It’s not an antiperspirant, which is essential to note if you love that function of your current deodorant. It also doesn’t have baking soda, which is the base of a lot of natural deodorants. Having experimented, I am one of those people who get skin irritations with baking soda. So it's important to me.
The first couple of weeks were an adjustment. While I did find myself showering a bit more, the deodorant does hold up well for an entire day. I stuck through the adjustment period was how nice the skin under my armpits felt. I have super sensitive skin and have just lived with dry, itchy armpits for years in the name of hygiene. For the first time in years, the skin in my armpits feels just like my skin anywhere else on my body. While I hate the scent and wish they offered more options in that department, I love the effect and how I don’t feel dry and itchy all the time. For that, I’ll put up with smelling like a hippie.
What do you do to prevent boob sweat? How do you stay cool and sweat-free in the summer?
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