Dear E,
Surprised to hear from your 60-year-old self?
After several decades of boob ownership, I thought it might be useful to share some advice about breasts. We have them in common, but I don't feel the same way about them as I did at your age.
Bras aren't everything. You can't measure your breast self-worth by one bra style or a brand's crazy sizing. Remember how excited we were to get our first bra? Only to find that we didn't look at all like the models in the ads? Soon after, our breasts grew and didn't fit into any cute, standard sizes. Yep, that was a depressing. The bra industry will expand sizes and styles in the future (although they can't seem to fix that sizing thing). Believe me; there are way more bra choices in your future.
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Boob trends come and go. I know how frustrating it was for us to have to wear bras when everyone else was ditching them in the early 1970s. Wait another 15 years, and it will be all about push-ups and cleavage, which you will totally rock.

Nevermind the male gaze. Yep, I know our breasts get their share of unwanted attention in high school. But you must stand up to these juvenile comments. Embrace your body and confront the bullies. Sexist behavior won't change anytime soon because it pays to exploit women's breasts. You could pay attention to this phenomenon and explore ways to change attitudes. Maybe write a book? Just a thought.

Lovers love us, whatever our breast size and shape. Spoiler alert! Our boobs change over time---and you might even think about a breast lift or reduction at some point. It's fine to manipulate how our breasts look with a bra. But don't feel super self-conscious when you take it off. Our lovers prefer us naked, no matter how sideways or saggy we consider ourselves.

Motherhood changes everything, not just our boobs. You'll freak a bit when they grow out of proportion to our body during pregnancy. We will figure out breastfeeding, although it's not the same with every kid. (Not telling you how many, lol.) Don't let all the skinny airbrushed lingerie models scare you away from reclaiming our breasts after nursing. You'll find new bras that you adore, just maybe not at the mall.

One thing that won't change? The public's constant fascination with breasts. There'll be even more ways to look at and read about them in the future, although not all of it is accurate or factual. The good news is that you'll be okay. And in the end---even when our breasts look nothing like what we see on billboards and in movies---we'll be happy about our breasts, just as they are.