Want to know a fun fact about Empreinte Lingerie? Their headquarters are in Brest, France.
It's where they cut 100% of their bra pieces before they go into production in Breast, Morocco, and Tunisia. While it's cute to think of wearing bras from Brest, you should know that the French word for breast is "le sein" or "la poitrine" for bosom. (Your French language lesson for the day, lol.) This odd coincidence turns out to reflect Empreinte's dedication to incredible elegance, style, and comfort for women wearing C through H cup bras. This 70-year-old manufacturer is in the business of perfecting the art of lingerie to get as close to a custom-made result as possible.
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How do I know? I've been wearing Empreinte Lingerie for a few years now. Yes, the bras are definitely in the high-end category when it comes to pricing. But the value is beyond compare. My Empreinte pieces are comfortable, supportive, and just stunning. And every detail is taken into account. That reflects the Empreinte standard for excellence, where all lingerie artisans must undergo three years of training.
Don't let the age of the company fool you, either. Empreinte is a leader in innovative craftsmanship. They recently launched their first spacer bra (see below), which took 36 months to develop. And I'm not sure how they do it, but their seamfree lace bras lift and support with a lightness not found in other molded cups.
You can find Empreinte Lingerie in better department stores and small lingerie boutiques all over the world. And it's easy to purchase online from many online retailers, like Bare Necessities and HerRoom.
Oh, and did I mention that Empreinte also makes swimwear? I'll be featuring pieces from that collection in a future blog post.
In the meantime, please enjoy these Empreinte Lingerie images from SS2017 and FW2017.
Empreinte SS2017

Empreinte FW2017
Have you tried Empreinte Lingerie? What did you think of their style, quality, and construction? Do you have any favorites from these two collections?