One of the first books I read when I began to research the complex subject of breasts was Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book. The New York Times called it the "bible" of all breast books.
In it’s pages I learn many things about breast health---including Dr. Love's simple but surprising statement that there is no medical reason to wear a bra. I also found that despite the years of being told that I was at higher risk because of my mother’s diagnosis, most women with breast cancer have no family history of the disease. That was a shocker to me since I had naively assumed that there must be some type of hereditary connection. Scientists today still have much to learn when it comes to why some women, and not others, get breast cancer.
This October you can raise awareness about the causes of breast cancer by providing researchers with crucial information. Dr. Love has launched a new initiative, the Health of Women Study, in which participants take action by answering a detailed health questionnaire. This international online study is the first of its kind. Heck, you don’t even have to be a woman to get involved!
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I’ve joined with others willing to donate their time (about an hour) to fill out the on-line form. If for any reason you don’t want to participate, you can team up with others across social media by spreading the word about this important effort. Just visit Dr. Love’s Facebook page or pass on the link to the HOW study page here.
"We need to go beyond a cure. We need to stop people from ever getting breast cancer in the first place.”
— Dr. Susan Love
The Health of Women Study is a great place to begin.