Passionate about intimates, and addicted to Instagram? Then I’m here to share with you ten lingerie Instagram accounts I think you’ll love to follow!
Below you’ll find everything from lingerie-focussed illustrators to an underwear museum. There are also fellow lingerie enthusiasts who reveal personal collections and an account with a mission to educate you on bra fit. There are no brands here trying to sell you their bras. Just lots of pretty pictures to brighten up your Instagram feed, and your day.
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To bring you accounts you’re less likely to have heard of, I've excluded lingerie bloggers from this list. But if you have yet to discover those, here’s a list of 10 lingerie bloggers to check out. Many of them are on Instagram too.
Miss Piso is both a lingerie illustrator and a lingerie design student at the world-renowned De Montfort University. That’s two great reasons to follow her on Instagram! You’ll get a mix of beautiful watercolor art and a behind-the-scenes look at her university projects.
Take a peek into one woman’s enviable lingerie collection. If you’re a fan of mid- to high-end brands such as Mimi Holliday and Agent Provocateur, you’ll love her looks. The beautifully-shot images also often feature mini-reviews. Follow along for pretty pictures with a smattering of fit advice thrown in.
Tired of always seeing lingerie shot on identical-looking models? Lingerie Is For Everybody is a new, body-positive project from blogger The Lingerie Addict. The account shares photos submitted by its fans and followers, creating a genuinely diverse gallery of images. Take a look, and maybe you’ll even be brave enough to send your photo.
This artist creates some of the very favorite lingerie illustrations I’ve ever seen. Her drawings are incredibly detailed, capturing all the tiny details of an intricate lace or embroidery. Check it out and see if you can recognize any of the luxury lingerie brands from which she draws her inspiration.
Prepare to become green with envy! Lingerie Lux is a lingerie enthusiast showing off her decadent collection of underthings. Expect to see lots of Agent Provocateur, plus somewhat more affordable brands such as Pleasure State.
On a budget and looking for chic lingerie you might be able to afford? Here’s a lingerie devotee to follow for inspiration. Her profile focusses primarily on independent brands and those available on the high street or in department stores.
Are you a bra-fit aficionado? Or keen to learn more about it? This page is the official Instagram account for the favorite A Bra That Fits forum on Reddit. You can expect regular advice on finding a well-fitting bra, including tips for specific bra sizes or breast shapes.
Have you heard of The Underpinnings Museum? It’s a (completely free!) online museum dedicated to the history of lingerie. Their Instagram account is filled with all manner of antique, vintage and modern undercrackers. Because they only pick from the most beautiful or unusual pieces from each era to exhibit, this page is never boring.
Lingerie connoisseur and collector, The Invisible Nao, is a particular fan of indie lingerie brands. Labels featured include Sofía Luzón, Evgenia, Flash You and Me, Zinke and many more. There´s minimal commentary on the lingerie itself. However, the account is worth following just for the beautiful and artistic imagery. And for the chance to discover a new brand!
Looking for an account that’s going to uplift you while providing fit advice for curvy and full-busted bodies? Instagrammer Alice captions her lingerie and swimwear photos with affirming, body-positive messages. She also occasionally talks about the fit of what she’s wearing, helping you buy the right size.
Do you already follow some great lingerie Instagram accounts? Leave a comment below and let me know who your favorites are!