I've got news today about one of my favorite lingerie brands, AnaOno Intimates. I was lucky enough to attend their last photoshoot in Los Angeles. And I also got a chance to take behind-the-scenes pics and meet a few of their models.
I'm a big fan of this post-mastectomy lingerie line because of their innovative styles. Their founder, Dana Donofree, is always looking for ways to meet the needs of women adjusting to life after breast cancer. Having gone through treatment herself, she's well aware of the challenges. Her recent unique collaboration with an oncologist resulted in the MAKEMERRY Collection by AnaOno, a line of bras and camisoles designed for patients who undergo radiation therapy
Dana's back with another great product launch: AnaOno Recovery Wear. Breast cancer treatments create a host of physical problems, due to limited mobility, painful drain attachments, and other unexpected side-effects and complications of breast reconstruction. That's why AnaOno Recovery Wear is important. It's a line of comfy loungewear, making it easier for women to deal with post-treatment issues. There's a cute wrap dress, a genius step-in romper, and a practical robe with an optional "drain belt" attachment. Most of all it's fun and fashionable and unlike anything else I've seen on the market.
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Here's a look at AnaOno Intimates and their latest AnaOno Recovery Wear loungewear pieces, along with quotes from a few of the models who appear in their ads:
Kelly Ivory Lace Bra Available in XS to XXLSarah, 33
Location: Long Beach, California
I was diagnosed while living abroad in Colombia, South America. I was so blessed to have the best support system possible in Colombia and at home in Los Angeles, California. Therefore, I am currently working to educate, empower, and support Latinas in Los Angeles and abroad to know symptoms of breast cancer and advocate for themselves with medical professionals.
Jennifer Tonal Sports Bra Available in Black or Ivory, Sizes XS to XL

Marenda, 41
From: Compton, CA, currently in San Francisco, CA
Miena Robe w/Optional Drain Belt Available in Black or Clay, One SizeI was diagnosed at age 39 with stage 1, triple negative breast cancer, BRCA1+. My husband discovered a lump in my breast; my doctors say he saved my life. I went through six rounds of chemotherapy, had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. I’ve since changed my entire life - EVERYTHING! I just completed flight attendant training and am now a working flight attendant based in San Francisco. I am cancer-free, doing well and taking life one day at a time.
Location: San Diego, CA
This June I celebrated my 3rd year of surviving Stage III IDC and 9 surgeries with a bonus total hysterectomy. Months of chemotherapy and radiation was exhausting but as young woman and mother of a young vivacious little girl, Breast cancer has made me a better person. Life goes on, I'm so grateful and thrilled to be alive. I spend my time now as mother and floral designer-flowers are my therapy.
Modeling (as a survivor) has been fun and a way to let others know that I am a face of cancer. You are never too young or too old. When shooting for AnaOno - I was one week out from surgery. I was literally a "drain model". The Miena robe was something I wished I'd had for the 3 sets of surgeries in less than 2 years requiring drains!
Kami, 30
Location: Los Angeles, CA
I was diagnosed at 26 with stage 1 triple positive breast cancer. My cancer diagnosis required me to undergo chemotherapy, radiation and hormone treatments. I was right in the middle of grad school when diagnosed, but decided to continue with my classes while going through treatments. It gave me a distraction! I have now been in remission for 2 years and 5 months! Life after cancer has had it's ups and downs emotionally, but with the support of friends, family, and my soul sisters who I have met through the breast cancer community, I am thriving at 30! I feel healthy and happy!
Sarah, Kathleen, Marenda, Kami
Marenda, Kami, Dana (AnaOno Founder), Kathleen, Sarah
Which of these new AnaOno Recovery Wear pieces or lingerie styles do you like best? Would you wear them?
Photo credits: AnaOno Intimates and Tracy Birdsell Photography.