Want to motivate yourself, even when you have zero plans to go to the gym?
Cute sports bras are one answer. Yeah, they're great if I'm heading to a spin or yoga class, too. But sometimes I just throw on workout gear to jumpstart my morning. I may end up writing or working on a blog post, doing some laundry, or running errands. Still, there's something about wearing a stylish and comfy athletic outfit that inspires me to tackle my "to-do" list. (Even if that means I skip a shower that day.)
Buying a new sports bra also encourages me to get moving. Are you thinking about signing up for an exercise class or switching out your athletic routine? It's way easier to pack a gym bag when you can look forward to changing into something functional and fun.
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It's true that a few are no more than glorified bralettes. But so what? There's no need for maximum boob constraint at all times. Plus, thanks to the athleisure fashion craze, there are way more choices in sizes and styles. You can pick from low, medium, or high-impact models. If you're worried about bounce, read our blog post about the importance of construction. January is also the perfect time to go sports bra shopping since retailers are slashing prices after the holidays and preparing for new inventory.
Here are 18 cute sports bras, from low to high impact, for your consideration---with a few now on sale:
Free People Vida Sports Bra Available in Sizes XS-L via Nordstrom

Do cute sports bras motivate or inspire you? Got any brands you recommend?